PAKISTAN: Animated video on Custodial Torture-part 1

The Pakistan desk of Asian Human Rights Commission has this time comes

out with animated video on custodial torture which is discussing the

menace of torture in the country. This video covers the practice of
torture and ill-treatment in three parts.

Human rights can be rooted in a society only when the ethical and

moral foundations of that society are compatible with human rights
concepts, norms, and standards.

Torture is the denial of basic human rights to the victims who have

been detained and interrogated, often even when commission of crime
has not been proven. The custodial torture is considered a norm of
criminal investigation in Pakistan. Wherever there is torture, there
is an underdeveloped criminal investigation system.

In Pakistan, there is a general acceptance of torture as a tool to

extract information and collect evidence amongst stakeholders,
particularly policy makers in the government. Because of common
practice torture legitimizes violence and thus makes abjuring violence
impossible; general abhorrence of violence is a precondition for a
peace-loving society.

Pakistan is among those countries where torture is used as a

systematic instrument to extract evidence from suspects accused of
different crimes. The Thana culture is deeply entrenched in our
criminal justice system since the pre-independence era to maintain the
writ of the State.

While people have to pay bribes to get an FIR registered, the

investigation process is full of flaws and those responsible for
conducting investigations are incompetent and dishonest. In fact,
majority of low-ranking police officials have close links to
professional criminals..Due to lack of legal prohibition for the
heinous act of torture, it is rampant and practised by all law
enforcement agencies, without exception, with impunity.

Sadly, law makers in Pakistan have failed to enact an anti-torture act

despite Pakistan being a signatory to the United Nation Convention
Against Torture (UNCAT).

Torture can be sexual, physical or even psychological, with examples

of sexual torture including rape, forced disrobing, and parading of
the victim naked; examples of physical torture including severe
beating, kicking, punching, clubbing, hanging upside down, forced body
positions, stretching of limbs, binding, and castration; and examples
of psychological torture including sleep deprivation, sensory
deprivation, solitary confinement, and exploitation of phobias.

# # #

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) works towards the radical

rethinking and fundamental redesigning of justice institutions in
order to protect and promote human rights in Asia. Established in
1984, the Hong Kong based organisation is a Laureate of the Right
Livelihood Award, 2014.

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