
Showing posts from December 4, 2016

Requested Ministry-wise PIB releases

President of India turns 81 tomorrow Address of the President at the inauguration of the Laureates and Leaders for Children Summit 2016 Let us commit ourselves to the noble task of fulfilment and protection of child rights everywhere, says President PM inaugurates cheese plant, addresses farmers in Banaskantha district of Gujarat Amend PHR Act to make Human Rights Commissions more effective, says Mr. Justice P. Sathasivam, Governor of Kerala and former Chief Justice of India, on Human Rights Day I&B Ministry to provide 90% subsidy for NE States and 75% subsidy for other States for setting up Community Radio Stations : Venkaiah Naidu The Union Finance Minister holds Pre-Budget Consultative Meeting with the Representatives of IT Industry; FM: Software Development and Information Technology Enabled Services (ITeS, including BPO & KPO) industry had emerged as one of the most dynamic and vibrant sectors in India;. Electronic Market in India is one of the Largest in ...

Trump Advisers Seek Oil Grab from Native American Reservations

Daily Kos Liberation League On Sunday, December 4, the Army Corps of Engineers announced a delay in further construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. We've highlighted recommended posts from the week following the statement.  Trump Advisers Seek Oil Grab from Native American Reservations Still Standing After Custer's Storm Standing Rock, Blizzard Warnings & the Army Corps Decision Memorandum Sign and send a thank you letter to the Standing Rock Sioux and all the Water Protectors In huge victory, Army Corps of Engineers calls for full environmental impact statement on pipeline Veterans at Standing Rock shock tribe members, beg forgiveness for war crimes against tribal nations A huzzah and thank you to the heroes and allies of the resistance against the Dakota Access Pipeline The enemy has responded....Nothing has changed they say. Trump will allow Pipeline as is.
NFAI Exhibition showcases the richness and diversity of Indian Cinema- Venkaiah Naidu I&B Ministry to formulate National Information & Communication Policy Committee of Chief Ministers on adoption of Digital Payments meets in New Del hi


Speech of the President for presentation of Shilp Guru Awards and National Awards to Master Craft persons for 2015 Indigenous handicrafts are a cherished aspect of the Indian way of life, says President President of India attends valedictory function of 91st foundation course at LBSNNA President of the National Assembly of Vietnam calls on PM Nominations for National Communal Harmony Awards open till Dec.30, 2016 Shri Kiren Rijiju attends the public lecture by His Holiness Dalai Lama on ‘Meaning of life and secular ethics’ Communication outreach vital for Government communication- Ajay Mittal Direct Tax Collections up to November, 2016 show net collections at Rs. 4.12 lakh crore which is 15.12% more than the net collections for the corresponding period last year;. Indirect tax collections (Central Excise, Service Tax and Customs) up to November 2016 show that net revenue collections are at Rs 5.52 lakh crore, which is 26.2% more than the net collections for the corresponding p...

Human Rights Day – Saturday 10 December 2016

Human rights under increasing attack worldwide GENEVA (9 December 2014) –  Speaking ahead of Human Rights Day on Saturday 10 December, the largest body of independent experts of the United Nations Human Rights system* urges all Governments around the world to stand up for human rights.  “The greatest achievement of the international community since the end of World War II has been the construction of an international human rights system based upon the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which was adopted 68 years ago.   Since that time, enormous strides have been made in establishing universal standards, encouraging the very widespread domestic adoption of those standards, and in effectively defending the rights of groups and individuals who are under threat in their own societies.     But today, a chill wind is blowing through much of the world and the very notion of human rights is under increasing attack. So-called populist movements are invoking nat...

wild and dangerous But Need of the time is to save them

     "Save them like a Saviour, And let them live like your Hero, That would make you the Global Hero." "Live and Let live other, Their Land is there , who we are to take over? Let us make a bond with each other."   ---By Anjan K. Samal---  "Save them like a Saviour, And let them live like your Hero, That would make you the Global Hero." "Live and Let live other, Their Land is there , who we are to take over? Let us make a bond with each other."   ---By Anjan K. Samal--- "Save them like a Saviour, And let them live like your Hero, That would make you the Global Hero." "Live and Let live other, Their Land is there , who we are to take over? Let us make a bond with each other."   ---By Anjan K. Samal---


Many young around the globe dream for his/her marraige for a peaceful life style with full of supports from the family members to boost his/her career and to earn as much as possible for his /her own family members.But here is a story of a young male who dreamt for his marraige not once or twice but thrice with his ultimate intension only to harrass them and also trying out from the hands of the law of the land for his own entertainment knowingly. This is the stroy of that young’s 1 st  wife who is now knocking the each and every door of the appropriate authority to get a permission in reagrd to passport of her only son .she was badly abused,tortured and harrased by this young for years but no action has been taken so far to teach a lesson to the wayward young like this. Her name is  Juveria Patni who appeals every Indian to support her .Let us know the complete stroy for which she intends your report. She  escaped from her  abusive husband   when sh...

Former Italian Ambassador to Iran Denounces Detention of Iranian-American Dual National and Wife

https://www.iranhumanrights. org/2016/12/former-italian- ambassador-to-iran-denounces- detention-of-iranian-american- dual-national-and-wife/ "Much more is at stake than the personal freedom of two outstanding, patriotic Iranian citizens ” says Ambassador In a public letter the former Italian Ambassador to Iran, Roberto Toscano, condemned the arrest and now three-month detention of dual Iranian-American citizen  Karan Vafadari and his wife, Afarin Niasari , whom he called among “the most dignified people I have met during the five years I spent as Italy’s ambassador to Tehran.” Ambassador Toscano, in an open letter shared with the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran and published here for the first time, wrote that it was “impossible” for him to remain silent after learning of the arrests. The couple, art gallery owners in Tehran and prominent in the Iranian artistic and cultural community, have been held at Evin Prison, without access to counse...

Ministry-wise PIB releases:BY ANJAN K SAMAL

President of India condoles the passing away of Cho Ramaswamy President of India congratulates ISRO on the successful launch of PSLV-C36/RESOURCESAT-2A into Polar Sun Synchronous Orbit President of India Addresses Founder’s Day Celebration of St. Stephen’s College PM salutes the soldiers and veterans of Armed Forces, on Armed Forces Flag Day PM condoles the demise of Shri Cho Ramaswamy PM condoles the loss of lives due to earthquake in Aceh province of Indonesia PM congratulates ISRO, on the successful launch of PSLV-C36 / RESOURCESAT-2A Change of Holiday on account of Milad-Un-Nabi or Id-E-Milad India International Science Festival (IISF-2016) inaugurated in New Delhi PSLV-C36 Successfully Launches RESOURCESAT-2A Remote Sensing Satellite Ministerial Conclave on ‘Transforming India – Key Initiatives’ Held at Petrotech-2016 Global Crude oil price of Indian Basket was US$ 52.07 per bbl on 06.12.2016 11 MoUs Signed, Web Portals of 3 Start-Up Funds Launched, and Books...