A View from the World Future Energy Summit, Abu Dhabi 2016

Dear AREA member, A View from the World Future Energy Summit, Abu Dhabi 2016 Two weeks ago, I attended the World Future Energy Summit (WFES), the first global gathering of Renewable Energy (RE) stakeholders since December 2015 at COP 21 in Paris when 195 nations signed an agreement to fight climate change and mobilize resources towards a low-carbon future. I talked to oil industry veterans who spoke of changing their careers and who clearly now saw, for the first time, the implications and possibilities of a future beyond untouchable and depleted fossil energy sources. I would like to share impressions of three gatherings there, where Africa shone brightly. The opening ceremony commenced with the awards of the Zayed Future Energy Prize 2016. The individual prize for Lifetime Achievement was won by Dr Gro Harlem Brundtland, former Prime Minister of Norway, who I met and congratulated. I was also delighted to be introduced to, and to congratu...