How many email addresses do you own?
View this email in your browser Most of us own at least two email addresses - one for work and one personal - but it's not unusual to have many more than that, especially for responders moving frequently between operations or organisations. A few weeks ago, OCHA’s Online Project System (OPS) switched to Humanitarian ID to 'authenticate' users logging onto their website (see our blog post “One key, many doors” ). Since then we heard from a number of users that they had stopped using the email address that was originally registered with OPS. We understand, it happens! Humanitarian ID has a solution. You can include multiple email addresses on your Humanitarian ID profile, including one primary address. No need to create a new Humanitarian ID account each time you get a new email address. And you can change your primary email address whenever you like. 1,000 email addresses? If you really need that many, we'...