Dear amazing Avaazers, If you ever doubt that our efforts together are worth it, or if you're just needing a bit of hope and light in your day, read on. Bet you won't be able to stop :). Avaaz Movement Wins 2016 (So Far!!) For years, Icelandic millionaire badboy Kristjan Loftsson has massacred hundreds of endangered giant fin whales. But no more!! Working with allies, a million of us pressed the Dutch government to close their ports to him, then German Avaazers helped to block ports there too. Then we caused a media and political storm in the Caribbean where Loftsson’s ship was registered. After years of pressure, he’s called off the hunt! “The global pressure brought by the Avaaz community has no doubt played a big role in Loftsson’s welcome decision.” - Vanessa Williams-Grey, Whale and Dolphin Conservation. Saudi Arabia is a human rights nightmare, but after they bombed schools and hospitals in Yemen, calls rose in Europe for an arms embargo. When EU politicians s...