Voicing Africa’s Renewables (August 17 – August 24):RENEWABLE TIMES

EDITORIAL A former US President once said during his presidential campaign, ‘it’s the economy, stupid.’ This phrase was meant to reinforce the simple fact that what was at stake during those elections was the economy. In this issue, we will paraphrase Bill Clinton’s words and say that, ‘it’s innovation stupid.’ This issue shows how innovation has teamed up with renewable energy in Nigeria to make a difference in the farms and lives of simple Nigerian farmers. In the same vein, we lay out funding opportunities and green awards that can trigger innovation. Happy reading! Editing by Environmental Africa Team ( www.environmentalafrica.com ) NEWS AND ANALYSIS NIGERIA’S QUEST TO MECHANIZE INDIGENOUS FARMING Farming shouldn’t have to be boring, tiring and unproductive. This is the central message of Dr Mohammed Khalid Othman’s post on the importance of mechanized and indigenous farming in Nigeria. He reveals that more than 70% of the farmers in Nigeria use...