The Government needs to fix this huge problem:TOILETS FOR OUR SISTERS

CLICK It is extremely a distubing news that the horrible suffering endured by women family members, colleagues or friends when they travel by bus b ecause they just don’t have any decent toilet options! Toilets on road stops are eit her una vailable or so filthy that they are unusable. It’s sheer torture for women to travel for 12+ hours in any bus in any route in India and not be able to go to the toilet. Many Indians prefer traveling by bus because of non-availability of train tickets or the expense of flight tickets. But for women, senior citizens and people with disabilities traveling by bus in India has always been a nightmare because of the toilet problem. The Government needs to fix this huge problem with the Indian transport system. What is the point of futuristic highways and smart cities if women can’t use these highways? Men have never had a problem because they just go behind the near...