commitment to diminish men made Global warming:AREA

AREA IS AFRICAN RENEWABLE ENERGY ALLIANCE Dear AREA member, I am writing to wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year! COP 21, which concluded in France with a unique global agreement, uniting most countries of the world in joint and several declarations to limit man-made global warming, has left us with a warm optimism about our chances for the future. It is clearer than ever that fossil-fuelled energy generation must be replaced as quickly as possible by Renewable Energy sources. The SDGs supersede the MDGs from tomorrow. We shall endeavour in AREA to realise key partnerships and collaborations, and to develop initiatives which have been put forward by members, in order to play our part. We have grown organically since our creation in 2009, to a present strength of 2,187 members from 98 countries, and our diversity, interests and expertise can be more effectively harnessed. With very best wishes and season’s greetings , Anthony O Igh...