Open Government Data Platform India(

Public consultation on Government Open Data Use License - India through MyGov
#OpenDataLicense, #OpenDataLicenseIndia
Dear Sir/Madam

Under 6th Pillar of Digital India Initiative, Open Government Data Platform India( is an endeavor for sharing of Government data in open formats with an objective to improve openness, transparency, encouraging participation of the community and emphasizing data driven decision making to enable the delivery of integrated services.

Structured and machine readable data available in open format and open license, for public access and use, termed as "Open Data". It allows citizens and businesses to find new ways to use it and to create new innovative products and services.

Open data should be accessible and licensed for anyone to access, use and share. A License gives clarity that data can be used and shared for multiple purposes and gives explicit permission to use the data for commercial and non-commercial purposes. With this view, Government of India initiate to have an Open Government Data Use License.

A committee was formed to draft the Government Open Data Use License India. And after several round of discussions and deliberations the Committee under the chairmanship of Sh. Suresh Chandra, Law Secretary Department of Legal Affairs has finalized the draft of the license.

General public and stake-holders including open data community members, professionals, academicians, data scientists, NGOs, institutions, government bodies, etc. in the field of open data production, consumption and management are hereby solicited to send their suggestions on draft Government Open Data Use License - India at:
Submit Your Suggestions in MyGov
You are requested to type your suggestion in the given box of the discussion (
Please mention the Clause number on which you want to suggest. Please put a '#' sign before the Clause number.
You can refer the following example: #Clause4: Followed by your Suggestion
You can also upload a pdf file compiling all your suggestions.

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Email: ndsap@gov.inPhone:011-24305370 , 24305940, 24305381
Address: NDSAP Project Management Unit (PMU), 3rd Floor, National Informatics Centre, A-Block, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, 110003, INDIA


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