Welcome to SDSN's October 2017 Newsletter!

Call for inputs to the 2019 Global Sustainable Development Report
The Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR) 2019 aims to bring a solid science and evidence base to support policies for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and is currently being prepared by an independent group of experts. They are looking to the public to submit case studies, publications, or papers that can support SDG Achievement. The deadline is 1 December and more information is available online.
Register for Low-Emissions Solutions Conference (LESC) event at COP
Following a successful event during Climate Week last month in New York, where over 20 presenters brought low-emissions solutions to the stage, the third edition of LESC will be hosted at COP23 bringing technical solutions to UNFCCC negotiators.Register for the LESC Dialogue taking place 13 November in Bonn, Germany. 
Seminar on innovation roadmaps for the SDGs
On 2 October, the UCL Institute for Public Innovation and Purpose – led by Mariana Mazzucato – and the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) organized the first international workshop in London on innovation roadmaps for supporting the achievement of the SDGs. Participants developed a program to promote mission-oriented innovation frameworks for the goals.
Executive program on SDGs for government leaders in Asia-Pacific
In cooperation with UNICEF, SDSN, and the Razak School of Government, the Jeffrey Sachs Center on Sustainable Development Sunway University organized a two-day executive program on the SDGs in Kuala Lumpur for senior officials from 12 countries. The training, held 30-31 October, focused on SDG metrics, financing, long-term pathways, behavior change, and other policy measures in support of the goals. The meeting was preceded by a one-day workshop with the Department of Statistics, Malaysia, on SDG monitoring and opportunities for the data revolution.
On 25 October, SDSN TReNDS and the Inter-American Development Bank hosted a high-level roundtable discussion of TReNDS’ new report on modern statistical systems, Counting on the World, in Washington, D.C. Leaders from prominent global think tanks, finance institutions, multilateral agencies, and civil society organizations came together to discuss the key recommendations of the report and how we can turn them into concrete actions.
New from the SDG Academy: Globalization, climate change and ecosystem preservation
Learn about historic waves of globalization and what they mean for our collective future from Jeffrey Sachs in Globalization: Past and Future (launched 30 October).
Explore the science – and solutions – behind global greenhouse gas emissions in Climate Action: Solutions for a Changing Planet (launching 20 November).
Take a tour of the Amazon and learn how we can protect our ecosystems in From the Ground Up: Managing and Preserving Our Terrestrial Ecosystems (launching27 November).
SDSN in the Media

Jeffrey D. SachsJeffrey D. Sachs: Corporate tax cut propaganda, Boston Globe – 20 October, 2017

Ken E. Giller et al.Climate-smart agroforestry: Faidherbia albida trees buffer wheat against climatic extremes in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology –19 October, 2017

Jeffrey D. Sachs, Daniel Squadron and Asam PrtizkerAn Academic, an Entrepreneur, and a Former Politician's New Plan to Fix Our Broken Politics, Daily Beast – 9 October 2017

Cynthia Rosenzweig and Peter ThorburnTowards a New Food System Assessment: AgMIP Coordinated Global and Regional Assessments of Climate Change, Australian Society of Agronomy Conference – 28 September, 2017

Klaus M. Leisinger et al.Corporate Responsibility Expectations in China: Advanced Business and Economics Students from Beijing, MDPI Basel –September 2017

Mariana MazzucatoMission-Oriented Innovation Policy. Challenges and opportunities, RSA – September 2017
Upcoming SDSN Events Low-Emissions Solutions Conference (LESC) at COP23
13 November | Bonn, Germany

Too Big To Fail: The Amazonia and Solutions Towards Sustainable Development
13 November | Bonn, Germany
Other News and Events
  • DeepMind, Google’s London-based artificial intelligence research sibling, has brought in external advisers including SDSN director Jeffrey Sachs, Oxford artificial intelligence professor Nick Bostrom, and climate change champion Christiana Figueres to advise a new unit within the company focusing on the ethical and societal questions raised by artificial intelligence.
  • 50 youth leaders from around the world gathered in Vatican City from 13-15 October to co-design and implement practical solutions to the SDGs.
  • SDSN leadership council member Tarja Halonen, elected Finland’s first female president in 2000, spoke in a UNESCO broadcast on the importance of advocating for women’s rights, healthcare, and women’s place in politics.
  • The Columbia Center on Sustainable Investing (CCSI), host institution of SDSN’s Thematic Network on Good Governance of Extractive and Land Resources, released the first blog in a new series on land and the SDGs with the Land Portal Foundation and the Global Land Tool Network. 
  • What challenges impede the development of sector-wide solutions tooperationalize the SDGs in extractive industries? SDSN Thematic Network on Good Governance of Extractive and Land Resources co-organized an event with various stakeholders to brainstorm innovative approaches to support mining and fossil fuel companies' efforts.
  • SDSN Senior Advisor Jessica Espey presented on implementation of the SDGs at the Georgia Institute of Technology on 26 October. Her presentation and a digital recording of the event are available here.
  • In partnership with UNESCO, SDSN member Gaia Education released new SDG Flashcards to be used in workshops. Participants will learn how to collaboratively explore actions and solutions aimed at implementing the SDGs. 
  • SDSN Spain has signed a formal agreement with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to collaborate in the implementation of the SDGs in Spain.
  • Join our Climate Action course photo contest! Send a picture of your solution in planning (or in action!) to SDG Academy communications lead Jay at jay.neuner@unsdsn.org or share on Instagram.
  • The SDSN Southeast Asia network has launched the Island of Happiness Coastal Design Competition, the first in a series of sustainability initiatives planned for the Kura Kura Bali Island of Happiness. 
  • SDSN leadership council member Klaus M. Leisinger talked about how new UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres plans to overcome chronic financial weakness and continue the progress of peace (in spite of setbacks posed by American politics) by using early results from the SDGs.
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