Many young around the globe dream for his/her marraige for a peaceful life style with full of supports from the family members to boost his/her career and to earn as much as possible for his /her own family members.But here is a story of a young male who dreamt for his marraige not once or twice but thrice with his ultimate intension only to harrass them and also trying out from the hands of the law of the land for his own entertainment knowingly.
This is the stroy of that young’s 1st wife who is now knocking the each and every door of the appropriate authority to get a permission in reagrd to passport of her only son .she was badly abused,tortured and harrased by this young for years but no action has been taken so far to teach a lesson to the wayward young like this.
Her name is Juveria Patni who appeals every Indian to support her .Let us know the complete stroy for which she intends your report.
She  escaped from her  abusive husband when she was pregnant. She is now  a single mother and she has  a wonderful10-year-old son, her only hope.
She has been fighting to get her son’s Passport for the past 3 years But she stucked and shocked when the Passport Authority demanded the HUSBAND’S PERMISSION despite the Honourable High Court’s order that says  a mother’s name is sufficient to issue a passport. However passport offices don’t follow this rule. 
But her  ex-husband has remarried and he is never coming back. 
If she is  capable of raising her son on her  own, then why can’t the government issue his passport with just my name on it.
After a lot of failed attempts since past 3 years consistently; she has  decided to write this petition in order to get permission granted to acquire a passport for her son.


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